Knockmore Primary School


Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU) constitutes a crucial Area of Learning within the primary curriculum, prioritizing the advancement of children's emotional and social growth, fostering confidence, independence, and awareness of health and safety, while also nurturing moral reasoning, values, and ethical actions.

Teachers play a pivotal role in facilitating children's acquisition of knowledge, understanding, and skills across two interconnected strands:

  1. Personal Understanding and Health
  2. Mutual Understanding in the Local and Wider Community

The first strand addresses personal and emotional facets, as well as concerns regarding health, well-being, and safety. Meanwhile, the second strand delves into personal and social relationships, emphasizing the importance of tolerance and respect.


By integrating children's learning across these strands and embedding key curriculum objectives, teachers imbue their educational experiences with meaning and relevance, both within the school environment and in the broader world.


PDMU endeavors to empower children to become adept at personal, emotional, and social navigation. It encourages them to lead lives characterized by health, safety, and fulfillment, fostering traits of confidence, independence, and responsibility. Through making informed and thoughtful choices throughout their lives, children are encouraged to become conscientious and accountable citizens.


Providing opportunities for children to explore issues independently, propose solutions, and make decisions based on their acquired knowledge fosters the natural development of positive values and attitudes.

Hertford Crescent, Lisburn BT28 1SA

Tel:02892 662600